Sunrise over the Carpathian Mountains

…one of those special moments in time.  We were 10 hours into a 12 hour journey from Budapest to Brasov. Our couchette was basic but comfortable (pretty grubby windows as you’ll see), the dining carriage had been left uncoupled or simply never existed, sleep had been mixed due to border stops – Romania is not part of the Schengen agreement (a sore point as I was soon to discover). I lifted the blind to witness morning break over the Carpathian Mountains. Magical. I cannot wait for the walking to come…

Day: 7 / Distance: 3095km

1 thought on “Sunrise over the Carpathian Mountains

  1. Steve A says:

    Ah loved the Carpathian’s (albeit we were on a coach rather than train) and had great fun exploring Brasov. Fond memories.


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